How to use WordPress Multisite to streamline and automate your website delivery

This talk is geared towards website consultants, developers, and designers who are tired of the feast/famine cycle of project work and are looking for a way to automate the process of delivering websites.

Using the power of WordPress Multisite I’ve developed an automated turnkey website platform that brings in steady recurring income and fills the gap between premium website design and low cost platforms like Wix and Squarespace.

We’ll cover how this business model closely resembles a SaaS, or what I like to call a WaaS (Websites as a Service). I’ll talk about the benefits of this model, how to get started, what plugins to use, and my experiences running my own successful WaaS for 3+ years.

For more info, here’s an article I wrote for the WP Elevation blog that covers a lot of the same concepts that I’ll be covering in my talk:
