
Meet the organizing team for WordCamp Baltimore 2018!

Aaron Curtis

Aaron Curtis is a photographer and IT professional based in Baltimore, MD. When he’s not staring through the viewfinder or at a computer screen, he loves playing guitar and spending time with his family.

Angelina Simms

Angelina Simms believes in the importance of giving back and helping others. In addition to defining a path on her web development journey, she assists people with navigating digital media for their individual needs. She also has a deep interest in how technology intersects with a few of her favorite things — archiving, museums, and libraries. When Angelina is not at her day job in an investment management firm or busy with her studies, she is often exploring adaptive programming and inclusion services that provide opportunities for people of all abilities, attending live performances, and spending as much time as she can outdoors

Wes Linda

I’m a designer and creative for Johns Hopkins University where I utilize WordPress on a daily basis. Nights and weekends I freelance with WordPress under the name WPWes. As a Genesis recommended developer I primarily work with the Genesis Framework when building with WordPress. My years of WordPress experience has given me the chance learn what should be done and more importantly what shouldn’t be done when building a web site using WordPress.

When I’m not working on on web sites you’ll often find me with a camera in hand taking someone’s headshot or photographing totally random things.

Andrew Adcock

I am a full stack developer focusing on client and user usability, speed and simplicity. When I’m not in the office, I can be found working on one of several open source and/or pet projects. If I’m not coding you can bet that I’m either camping or playing music.

Kerch McConlogue

Kerch McConlogue, retired ADHD coach and front end developer, has been writing code by hand for 19 years and using WordPress since version 1.5. Speaking plain-English to nonGeeks, her passion is for helping WordPress novices understand the basics of care and feeding of their own site and to get past their fears of breaking the internet.