Ann MacKay

Ann MacKay

I am a retired long-term care RN and association manager who had had a career in aging services. I have served in multiple leadership roles during my career and as a volunteer. I was inducted into the Maryland Senior Hall of Fame in 2016 for my volunteer work. I discovered WordPress in 2008 after I retired. After starting a personal blog to share travel adventures with family and friends, I became the webmaster for the branch of AAUW in Warner Robins, GA, then set up the Georgia AAUW website on WordPress. I attended WordCamp in Atlanta in 2011 and loved it. Since moving back to Maryland in 2012, I started attending the website committee at the retirement community where I live. I suggested WordPress may help the timeliness of posting information since a web developer did the posting. The developer moved the site to WordPress in the Fall of 2014. I added all the content to the new WordPress site over several months. Now I am a co-webmaster of the site. I attended WordCamp Baltimore the past two years.


WordCamp Baltimore, MD is over. Check out the next edition!