
Meet the organizing team for WordCamp Baltimore 2017!

Rachel Davis

Rachel here, self proclaimed brand hacker! I strive to provide a unique twist on traditional branding by mixing in new techniques to help start-ups discover their true tribe and create engaging experiences. Through workshops + coaching that share actionable tactics based in design thinking, creative problem solving, and just plain geeky madness I help companies approach wicked challenges in ways they may never have imagined before.

I’m extremely active in the local Baltimore community and have a passion for using my skills for the good of Baltimore City. As the co-founder of Code for Baltimore, and Communications Chair on the AIGA Baltimore Board, you can usually find me frequenting the many networking events going on in the city, or even running one (or five)!

Angelina Simms

I’m a digital media manager and social media consultant with a passion for learning UX and front-end web development. When I’m not giving presentations at Philadelphia area WordPress meetup groups, I can be found participating at tech events that have a focus on giving back to the local community, and supporting families that are a part of the autism community.

Steven Carr

My work experience has been in product development. My professional interest is in finding meaningful ways to help people through the talents I’ve been able to develop throughout my career.

I came to WordPress through a recent startup I co-founded, In WordPress, I found a welcoming community that shared my interest in using technology for the greater good.

When not working (a relatively new concept for me), I’m learning how to “take time to smell the roses.”

Aaron Curtis

Aaron Curtis is a photographer and IT professional based in Baltimore, MD. When he’s not staring through the viewfinder or at a computer screen, he loves playing guitar and spending time with his family.

Andrew Adcock

I am a full stack developer focusing on client and user usability, speed and simplicity. When I’m not in the office, I can be found working on one of several open source and/or pet projects. If I’m not coding you can bet that I’m either camping or playing music.

Alexander Reynolds

Alexander Reynolds is an interdisciplinary artist and designer currently living and working in Baltimore, Maryland.

Wes Linda

I’m a designer and creative for Johns Hopkins University where I utilize WordPress on a daily basis. Nights and weekends I freelance with WordPress under the name WPWes. As a Genesis recommended developer I primarily work with the Genesis Framework when building with WordPress. My years of WordPress experience has given me the chance learn what should be done and more importantly what shouldn’t be done when building a web site using WordPress.

When I’m not working on on web sites you’ll often find me with a camera in hand taking someone’s headshot or photographing totally random things.

WordCamp Baltimore, MD is over. Check out the next edition!