Eric Karkovack

Eric Karkovack has been a web pro since 1996 and a freelancer since 1999. During that time he has specialized in helping small and medium-sized companies. He is a WordPress evangelist, and has long been a fan of both the software and the supportive community behind it. Eric is passionate about great design and helping others achieve their goals online through his writings.  He maintains a blog for consumers on his business site ( and writes articles targeting the design community as an occasional author on Speckyboy Design Magazine ( You can also follow his rants on Twitter @karks88.

About Andy Stratton

Andy is a freelance WordPress developer currently living in Baltimore, MD. WordCamp speaker, WordCamp Baltimore organizer, Baltimore WordPress Meetup Group organizer. Founder of Sizeable Interactive, a UX design and WordPress development agency cooperative of solid professionals.Founder of WP Maintainer a WordPress update & maintenance service.
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