Curtiss Grymala

Curtiss Grymala, the founder of Ten-321 Enterprises, is the University Webmaster at the University of Mary Washington. Prior to starting that position in November 2010, he worked as the Webmaster at Lord Fairfax Community College in Middletown, Va. for nearly four years. As the Webmaster at Lord Fairfax Community College (LFCC), he was responsible for maintaining websites for the College, the LFCC Foundation and the LFCC Office of Workforce Solutions, as well as the College intranet. Grymala managed and led the process of redeveloping the College website. At the University of Mary Washington, Grymala was responsible for working with the external vendor in charge of the site design, and manages all custom development for the University’s unique implementation of WordPress as its new CMS. Over the last three years, Grymala has developed more than 50 custom WordPress plugins, released nine public WordPress plugins and created more than 15 custom WordPress themes for various organizations and companies.

About Andy Stratton

Andy is a freelance WordPress developer currently living in Baltimore, MD. WordCamp speaker, WordCamp Baltimore organizer, Baltimore WordPress Meetup Group organizer. Founder of Sizeable Interactive, a UX design and WordPress development agency cooperative of solid professionals.Founder of WP Maintainer a WordPress update & maintenance service.
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